ESA – EO AFRICA R&D Facility 2nd Call for Research Proposals

ESA EO AFRICA R&D Facility, in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC) announce:

Call for Research Proposals 2022-2023

Related to the themes EO for managing water scarcity and safeguarding food security in Africa

EO AFRICA R&D Facility is the flagship of ESA EO AFRICA with overarching goals of enabling an active research community and promoting creative innovation processes for the continuous development of African EO capabilities. The Facility offers a cloud computing infrastructure for the researchers (Innovation Lab), supports African–European research tandems and delivers a range of collaborative capacity development activities (Space Academy) and initiatives between the African and European research communities based on a comprehensive review of African EO research challenges.

Following the successful 1st call, in which 15 projects were selected, the ESA EO AFRICA R&D Facility – in collaboration with the AUC – is glad to launch a 2nd call for research proposals to support African–European collaborative efforts. The selected projects will develop innovative, open-source EO algorithms and applications adapted to African solutions to African challenges by leveraging cutting-edge cloud-based data access and computing infrastructure.

ESA – EO AFRICA R&D Facility 2nd Call for Research Proposals